Wednesday, 4 February 2015


A Perfect relationship is possible!

You meet Her, U fall, She says yes and becomes Ur all, U treat Her right, buh Yet U guys fight, then things start to go south, She tells U She wants Out,
U love Her Yeah! U wanna beg buh Ur ego wuld tear, U resolve to agree to disolve d special thing, and decide to start flings, after a while U meet Her again, while U r still in d rain, she has a ring on Her finger, Ur loneliness only grows bigger... Show Love true Love doesn't know Ego!

If You really Love Her, You guys would go very far, and to Me far is forever, aren't You guys happy together?, ehen so when You go wrong, love is humble; sing her a song, it's a constant that that niggas should fumble.

Girls Y'all too should stop developing random attitudes, Your Man would break his back for You sometimes and yet no gratitude, those ugly mood swings are so irritating, sometimes I feel it's not even genuine Ya just imitating, cos it's like a trend among chicks, they'll just seat and frown with swollen cheeks, From today please, if You're upset about something, just tell Your man cos the attitude will not solve anything.

There's just 1 life and guys please do right so You'll meet the Perfect wife..
 Girls off with the Ugly moods and be sweet to Your loving dudes...

ENJOY a great Wednesday!

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